Friday July 3 – Welcome to the WSOP!
Our first full day in Vegas began with a beautiful buffet breakfast at ‘Buffet’ (another simply-named Bellagio eatery). I was ready and eager to devour about three plates of hot food and two plates of fruit but after having just one of each I realised I was pretty much spent – the Philly Cheese Steak from the night before was still taking its toll it seemed…
After breakfast we headed back up to our rooms to book tickets for ‘O’ and the Grand Canyon. You would think this would be a rather tame affair but by the time it was all done and dusted Rosie had stormed off in a huff (one too many sexist jokes by Julian) and Anna was, to put it mildly, unimpressed with all of us (“why are you so incompetent Pete!”). So that was nice.
Julian, Fraser, Pete and I then decided to head to the Rio so that I could register for Day 1D while Anna and Rosie went down to the pool.
It was a pretty cool feeling walking into the Rio. The hallway leading up to the Amazon Room is one I’ve seen a million times on TV, so to actually open a door and walk into it was pretty surreal. We turned into the first room we came across and instantly the chirping of chips filled the air. Ah…the sound of poker.
Since this was Pete and Fraser’s first poker trip they immediately went forth and set out in search of pros. I, being the seasoned veteran of the live tournament circuit that I am now, felt no such urge and instead headed out to the cage on the other side of the hotel to cash in my traveller’s cheques. Julian decided to accompany me because a) he has no interest in poker and b) he felt I needed a worthy bodyguard like himself.
Along the way we came across a restaurant name that in Australia would completely defy belief. The term must obviously have a completely different meaning and/or connotation in the US because there’s simply no way this would pass muster as a restaurant name in Australia. Anyone care to explain?
Ok, not really, but man, $5000 chips are cool!
While I waited in the line to register the others found the exhibition room and attacked it with glee. By the time I found them they had already putted golf and battled Gladiator-style. Fraser had even disposed of an unworthy American challenger! Australia 1, USA 0.
The other offerings ranged from lame to not-so-lame. On the not-so-lame end of the scale was the strength tester and the mechanical bull. Here’s Julian on the former and Pete on the latter.
It was getting towards 6PM by now so we decided to head back to the Bellagio. We were meant to pick up our O tickets on the way out but had forgotten so we stopped by the O desk on the way back. Unfortunately the line was way too long so we decided to come back another time and face the wrath of Anna instead.
For dinner we went to ‘Noodles’, thus completing the circle of self-descriptive Bellagio eateries. While waiting in line Fraser mentioned how his girlfriend inadvertently used lasagna in their Iron Chef cook-off, despite the special ingredient being noodles.
“All noodles are pasta” he said matter-of-factly, “but not all pasta are noodles.”
And so ensued a ten-minute debate on whether all noodles are in fact pasta: Anna recounted the historical origins of the two; I noted how vermicelli noodles (those thin, clear ones) clearly aren’t pasta; Fraser countered that vermicelli noodles must not be noodles then. In the end, we came up with this.
After dinner we played some Blackjack and Three Card Poker. By we, I mean Fraser, Pete and me: Rosie and Anna refused to gamble even though I offered to stake them… so soft! I bought in for $300 and was down as low as $130 at one point before coming home strong and finishing up with a $25 win. Who’s the sucker now Bellagio!?
The girls headed to bed at about midnight and we followed not long thereafter. The jetlag was starting to take its toll and a good night’s sleep was definitely in order...
Haha - sick Venn Diagram! :)
I don't get it, what would it happen in Australia if you name a restaurant Gaylord ???
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