I’ve had a reading week this week (meaning no classes) but with an assignment due next Monday I’ve been busying myself with that. I played a bit of poker last weekend and continued my downswing all the way down to -37K as of Thursday night but fortunately managed to recover 16K on Friday and Saturday. I locked myself out on Saturday night to focus on my assignment and haven’t played since.
The more perceptive of you may have noticed that I just commented on how well I went in a session, something I said I’d no longer do! Well, it took me a while but I soon realised that a poker blog without such updates isn’t really a poker blog at all. So I’ve decided to continue giving updates on how well I’m doing but I definitely won’t be posting any monthly graphs or stats still.
I said in my last blog that I’d try to do some more strategy-type posts in the future. Well I’ve been brainstorming about some things to talk about and already I’ve got five or six really interesting topics in mind (and illustrative hand histories to go along with them!). I don’t have time to write one up now though so what I thought I’d do is just post the hand histories and get you guys thinking about the hands (perhaps post in the comments what you think I’m thinking?) and then I’ll explain them fully in my next post when I get the time. I actually got this idea from Greg’s montage videos on Leggo where he showed a series of ‘sick’ hands with no explanation in one video and then explained them fully in a later video. I thought it was actually quite remarkable how ‘sick’ a hand can look in isolation yet, when you hear the full explanation of it later on, it all seems very standard and straightforward.
Anyway, I thought I’d start off with a bang and show two hands where I obviously came out on top in a big way.
In the first, villain is a reg who plays up to 25/50 (he doesn’t seem to have discovered the auto-rebuy function though).
No-Limit Hold'em, $10.00 BB (6 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com
MP ($1373)
CO ($1476)
Hero (Button) ($1000)
SB ($965)
BB ($884)
UTG ($2633)
Preflop: Hero is Button with 8, J
3 folds, Hero bets $25, 1 fold, BB calls $15
Flop: ($55) 3, Q
, 8
(2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks
Turn: ($55) 4 (2 players)
BB bets $41, Hero raises $123, BB raises $341, Hero raises $852 (All-In), 1 fold
Total pot: $819
Hero had 8, J
(one pair, eights).
Outcome: Hero won $1409
In the second, villain was a complete unknown but in the two orbits or so he’d been at the table he’d exhibited reg-like stats.
No-Limit Hold'em, $6.00 BB (6 handed) - Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com
CO ($609)
Button ($338.95)
SB ($690.45)
Hero (BB) ($1213.65)
UTG ($1349.25)
MP ($238.80)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 7, 7
2 folds, CO bets $21, 2 folds, Hero calls $15
Flop: ($45) 4, J
, 5
(2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $30, Hero raises $93, CO calls $63
Turn: ($231) 9 (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $198, Hero raises $1099.65 (All-In), 1 fold
Total pot: $627
Hero had 7, 7
(one pair, sevens).
Outcome: Hero won $1525.65
Hey PokerMind, huge fan, your obv sick at poker , I know ull get back to even and then blow up, Jus wonderin if you could shout out my blog in one of your posts....
can you at least read it and if you dont laugh out loud at least 5 times then you can tell me to go **** myself, I'm tryin to blow it up though and would love the shoutout
Take it easyy sonnnn
- JimmyJaMes
Nice blog! More people should read it. If you want, you can register your blog Pokerweblogs.com. .It is free and and it automatically updates when you do an update, so visitors of our site can see when you updated your blog. The big advantage is that it will attract much more visitors to your blog.
Greets Peter
yo, nice blog man, I'm australian too (also named joey :P), anyway, looking forward to reading these strat-related blogs, keep it up.
I wonder how you got so good. This is really a fascinating blog and all your post too, lots of stuff that I can get into. One thing I just want to say is that your Blog is so perfect to me.
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