Well I somehow managed to make another 10K this month. In reality, I bumbled around playing break-even poker for the entire 10 days that I was exclusion-free and then made 10K yesterday on the last day of the month. Here’s the graph and stats for September.

I’m failing my 3/6 challenge dismally but at least I managed to run at expectation overall this month. I ran really well during my last few sessions in particular and managed to reclaim a $3000EV deficit. I also managed to lay the ultimate cooler on a regular 200BB deep with KK v K9s on a J939K board for a 4K pot. That said, I did run KK into AA four times this week (none of which sucked out) and got the reverse situation literally zero times, so I guess it all evens out in the end.
I don’t particularly have any goals for October since I have a lot of work to catch up on for uni. I’ll just try to play when I can and watch as many videos as possible. Of course, another 10K month would always be nice…
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