Saturday was the day of my 21st as well as the day of my 21st birthday party. After karaoke the night before I went home and worked on my playlist until like 5AM and was pretty much already exhausted by the time I woke up at 1PM. Pete and I then went to David Jones in the city to lug a great big cake from one side of the city to the other. We got some pretty weird looks from people wondering what was inside the box and with all the human traffic in the way I was tempted to shout “bomb!” so that people would let us through easier but I thought better of it. Anyway, the party itself turned out pretty well I think and a good night was had by all. Here are some photos from the night.
Ellie, Anna, Scott, Alicia, Tom
Bonnie, Ros, Lisa, Lisa
Stew, Jana, Anthea, Stefan, Cat
Alice, Jason, Richard, Lisa, Antoe
Antony and Pete
Lewis, Bruno, Lucy, Muller, Me, Ed, Zoe, Em, JP
Fraser R, Pete, Kath, Marissa
David, Lucy, Jon
Maddie, Sarah, Lucy, Claire
Alice, Anna and Antoe
On Monday Antony and I decided to go to the casino again. Antony was pretty keen to continue his live cash game adventure having found out the week before just how bad live players really were. Since I really hate playing live 40BB max buy-in cash I decided to play the $200 midday tournament instead. Starting stacks were 3000 chips and we had 30 minute blind levels starting at 25/50. Nothing too interesting happened for the first hour and I was playing really tight. I think I only played two hands during that time: I opened QQ from the cutoff and picked up the blinds and 3-bet shoved AK from the small blind versus a raise and one caller (bit of an overbet but whatever). Then my interesting hand of the day came up. With the blinds at 75/150, I was UTG and looked down to see two red aces. I opened to 450 and got one caller, UTG+2. This player seemed fairly competent and had built up a pretty big stack by sucking out JJ v KK preflop. With my super tight image and a raise from UTG, I was pretty confident that his range was small pairs and suited connectors that were trying to outflop my probable big pocket pair. The flop came pretty nasty for that range, 578r. The pot was already about 1100 and we had about 2300 behind. My first thought was just to bet-call all-in but I decided to at least open up his range and check-raise all-in. So I checked and he fired 800 and I moved to check-raise all-in. Then I changed my mind again and decided to open up his range even more by check-calling twice all-in instead. So I just called. The turn came a Tc putting a flush draw out there, I checked and he tossed in a 1000 chip and a 500 chip to put me all-in. I was getting 3-1 and obviously snap-called.
Instead, I sat there and decided to mull over the hand, trying to think of a hand I could beat. Here’s my thought process.
Question One: What does he think I have?
Answer: Jacks through Aces.
Question Two: What do I actually have?
Answer: Aces.
Question Three: Does he think I will fold them?
Answer: Probably not; I’m an unknown getting 3-1.
Conclusion: He has me beat!
So I get the clock called on me and eventually muck.
He tables K9c for a gutshot and flush draw…
Evidently, I should go back to thinking on level one when I play live. Any thoughts on the hand?
I get knocked out soon after, pushing K8 from the big blind versus four limpers and losing to AT.
While I waited for Antony to finish playing, I went to the roulette tables to spend the $10 voucher that the casino had given me for my birthday. I arrived at the nearest one and tried to bet on 21. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the man’s attention in time and all bets were closed. Obviously, it landed on 21… I looked and saw that with that hit 21 had actually been hit four times in the last twenty spins. Since this meant that 21 wouldn’t be hit for at least another 112 spins, I decided to switch tables. Alas, this time, it bricked…
On Wednesday night we went to see the Dark Knight and I have to say that it was pretty awesome. It’s a pretty long movie but you don’t really feel it at all since there is always so much action going on. I don’t quite think it’s one of the best movies ever but it’s definitely well above average. I do think though that the movie could have done without introducing Two Face as a villain. He didn’t really add anything to the film’s finale and they could easily have left him on the hospital bed and have the audience wondering what he’ll become in the next film. That said, you should all definitely see it if you haven’t.
On Friday Pete had a poker night over at his. It was our standard $0.05/$0.10 cash game and the stakes were high. I got off to a pretty bad start and was quickly stuck about three buy-ins; I lost trip Aces to a full house, missed a flush draw versus top pair and lost top two pair versus a gutshot all-in on the turn (nice play Jason! NOT). Somehow though, I managed to finish the night up three buy-ins. I owe a large part of that to Antony who gave me 200BB in one hand. I had flopped quads and, using all my powers of manipulation, trash-talking and reverse tell mind tricks, managed to induce Antony into stacking off with a flopped boat. Now that’s what you call outplaying someone!
(to be continued…)
On Monday Antony and I decided to go to the casino again. Antony was pretty keen to continue his live cash game adventure having found out the week before just how bad live players really were. Since I really hate playing live 40BB max buy-in cash I decided to play the $200 midday tournament instead. Starting stacks were 3000 chips and we had 30 minute blind levels starting at 25/50. Nothing too interesting happened for the first hour and I was playing really tight. I think I only played two hands during that time: I opened QQ from the cutoff and picked up the blinds and 3-bet shoved AK from the small blind versus a raise and one caller (bit of an overbet but whatever). Then my interesting hand of the day came up. With the blinds at 75/150, I was UTG and looked down to see two red aces. I opened to 450 and got one caller, UTG+2. This player seemed fairly competent and had built up a pretty big stack by sucking out JJ v KK preflop. With my super tight image and a raise from UTG, I was pretty confident that his range was small pairs and suited connectors that were trying to outflop my probable big pocket pair. The flop came pretty nasty for that range, 578r. The pot was already about 1100 and we had about 2300 behind. My first thought was just to bet-call all-in but I decided to at least open up his range and check-raise all-in. So I checked and he fired 800 and I moved to check-raise all-in. Then I changed my mind again and decided to open up his range even more by check-calling twice all-in instead. So I just called. The turn came a Tc putting a flush draw out there, I checked and he tossed in a 1000 chip and a 500 chip to put me all-in. I was getting 3-1 and obviously snap-called.
Instead, I sat there and decided to mull over the hand, trying to think of a hand I could beat. Here’s my thought process.
Question One: What does he think I have?
Answer: Jacks through Aces.
Question Two: What do I actually have?
Answer: Aces.
Question Three: Does he think I will fold them?
Answer: Probably not; I’m an unknown getting 3-1.
Conclusion: He has me beat!
So I get the clock called on me and eventually muck.
He tables K9c for a gutshot and flush draw…
Evidently, I should go back to thinking on level one when I play live. Any thoughts on the hand?
I get knocked out soon after, pushing K8 from the big blind versus four limpers and losing to AT.
While I waited for Antony to finish playing, I went to the roulette tables to spend the $10 voucher that the casino had given me for my birthday. I arrived at the nearest one and tried to bet on 21. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the man’s attention in time and all bets were closed. Obviously, it landed on 21… I looked and saw that with that hit 21 had actually been hit four times in the last twenty spins. Since this meant that 21 wouldn’t be hit for at least another 112 spins, I decided to switch tables. Alas, this time, it bricked…
On Wednesday night we went to see the Dark Knight and I have to say that it was pretty awesome. It’s a pretty long movie but you don’t really feel it at all since there is always so much action going on. I don’t quite think it’s one of the best movies ever but it’s definitely well above average. I do think though that the movie could have done without introducing Two Face as a villain. He didn’t really add anything to the film’s finale and they could easily have left him on the hospital bed and have the audience wondering what he’ll become in the next film. That said, you should all definitely see it if you haven’t.
On Friday Pete had a poker night over at his. It was our standard $0.05/$0.10 cash game and the stakes were high. I got off to a pretty bad start and was quickly stuck about three buy-ins; I lost trip Aces to a full house, missed a flush draw versus top pair and lost top two pair versus a gutshot all-in on the turn (nice play Jason! NOT). Somehow though, I managed to finish the night up three buy-ins. I owe a large part of that to Antony who gave me 200BB in one hand. I had flopped quads and, using all my powers of manipulation, trash-talking and reverse tell mind tricks, managed to induce Antony into stacking off with a flopped boat. Now that’s what you call outplaying someone!
(to be continued…)
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