Jon and Brendan looking quite hip
On Tuesday night we had some farewell drinks for Warren who’s going overseas again (this time on exchange to Sweden).

Kath and Pete
On Wednesday, Antony, Pete and I went to the casino to play some live 1/2 NL. There’s an $80 cap on the buy-in so it’s a total crapshoot but since Antony wanted to check out the casino (he’d never been) I went along anyway. Pete and I ended up being on the same table while Antony was put on another 1/2 table by himself. Nothing too eventful happened (nothing really can with 40bb’s) but I did play one ‘big’ pot where I tripled up. A woman limped utg, I limped utg+1 (with KQo), Pete raised to $6 (way too small Pete!), 2 or 3 people flatted, the woman called, and I called. The flop came QT3 with 2 diamonds and the woman led out for $6 into the $30-36 pot. I had intended to lead this flop into Pete to see if my hand was good and since this woman’s own lead accomplished basically nothing towards that end I raised it up myself to $20, expecting Pete to push KK+/AQ and fold everything else. I was pretty shocked when he just called (with only $60 behind). Another man called behind and the woman folded. The turn brought an offsuit deuce and I shoved the rest in, putting Pete on a weak made hand like QJ or JJ and the man on a draw. I was pretty sure that if either had KQ beat on the flop they would’ve shipped the rest in. They both ended up calling which made me gulp but fortunately they turned over just AJd and 89d respectively. The river bricked another deuce and I’ve been berating Pete for his lack of a flop shove ever since :). Antony ended up making $200 in the three hours we were there so that was a pretty great result for him, especially considering it was his first time playing live.
On Thursday night I went out to dinner with my parents and Lisa to the Rocks Teppanyaki for my 21st birthday dinner. The Rocks Teppanyaki has been one of my favourite restaurants since I was about 10 years old so it was really nice to go back there.Sashimi entrée
The chef nuking our beef
On Friday, a bunch of us decided to find our inner Asian and go karaoke-ing (verb?). I’d never been before so I didn’t know what to expect but it turned out to be pretty fun (despite me not knowing the words to like half the songs while everyone else did!) and I’d definitely go again (though with more control over the song remote next time!).
Alicia, Celia, Antony and Jason doing a double duet
(to be continued…)
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