Anyway, to cut a long story short, my new strategy worked admirably. I managed to recoup all of my losses from my last session in just over five days playing two hours a day. I’m especially pleased at this result since I honestly thought it might take me up to a month to recoup the five grand.

The only blip from the past few days is that hand at the very end of the graph above. It involved me getting stacked for 250bb’s with AA in a 3-way 3-bet pot. While I could definitely get away from the hand that deep versus just about anyone, I simply refused to fold it to a 67/13 fish (over 300+ hands) on a 487r flop when he shoved over my $215 continuation bet for $1150 more. It definitely looks foolish, but given how badly he was playing and the kinds of hands he was showing down, I think I’d still call if I was put in that spot again. For the record, he had 87o.
University starts again next week and I have some serious catching up to do so I don’t think I’ll be able to play cash games again for a while. I have, in any case, been trying to avoid cash games during University weekdays since I find I simply can’t play them properly if I know I have to stop in an hour or so to do some homework. It makes me force the action in an effort to rack up quick dollars and invariably results in me losing money very quickly and chasing for the next two hours. If I do have some spare time to play, I’m going to try to stick to playing the speed tournaments on PartyPoker. I’ve had a lot of success in them in the past and they’re a great way to make a quick four-figure score. I haven’t played them in a while though so I’ll keep you informed of how I go!
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